A product - of what?

Dankzij 21 donaties die samen € 3725 opleverden voor Laura Canha Malpique. Superbedankt voor het bijdragen via voordekunst.

Laura Canha Malpique

student / artist

Geslaagd! – 2447 dagen geleden
€ 3.725 van € 4.500
21 donateurs
Hoera! Het project heeft de drempel van 80% gehaald! De maker past de begroting aan om het project toch door te laten gaan. Lees meer
Dit project is helemaal voordekunst. De financiering is geslaagd. Via de updates houdt de projectmaker je op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen rond dit project.

I would like help for my graduation project at the Gerrit Rietveld academie. I plan to build a big installation for the graduation show in July 2018.

I am interested on the point where science and art meet. I feel like my surroundings, in a city, are so extremely specific, and yet so abstract. It all seems to be so thought of, and yet somehow nonsense. On my work I investigate reality by mixing manmade and raw materials, developing the relationships between them through context of the human being.

There is a mystery behind things we can acquire as finished products. I like to trace back the making of those until they were just a part of earth. The transformations and making processes behind manmade materials are very complex, layered and abstract,making less and less sense the further I investigate on them and on their history.

I will build a large scale (around 8x3m) installation representing a machine, which is working hard towards the making of a simple object. The machine will be partly reality, in terms of the contents and form of layered organization, though also fictional on its totality as a working mechanical system – different parts won’t be aiming, together, for the same outcome.

Materially it will contain a natural landscape, wood, clay big structures, fabric, concrete, glass, various casted metals, heat, movies, mechanical engines, steelstructures, plants, crude oil- if possible, plastic, soap, a pendulum... It is for those that monetary help would be very appreciated.

I am at the moment finishing the entrance, a big clay structure. I have already spent 384 € on 48 packs of clay on this piece (which is still missing the top):

An installation this dimension is very expensive. I will probably also have to find other funds besides this crowdfunding campaign.
My goal until end of December is to finish the pieces here drawn:

At the end of the machine there would be a big soap container which is converting the outcome of the processes before described into simple balls, which will end up off sight of the actual process.

Ultimately, the installation will show a complex and abstract process behind a very simple product. I would like to call attention to the strange complexity behind everything we use on our daily life, and to the decay of man and manmade materials and systems.

I am very dedicated to what I work on. The graduation show is a great opportunity to show what I am doing, which can have a lot of influence on the years to come, if I work good! If you help me make this plan possible I would be extremely grateful.

For now, you can look at my Instagram where some older works are posted and some more will come:

nieuwste donaties

Natalia Blahova

Good luck my dear! x

30-12-2017, 09:44

Hey Laura, your project seems great!!! Hope it all goes well!!

18-12-2017, 23:37

Porque a ideia é merecedora desse apoio!

19-11-2017, 22:39
Geslaagd! – 2447 dagen geleden
€ 3.725 van € 4.500
21 donateurs
Hoera! Het project heeft de drempel van 80% gehaald! De maker past de begroting aan om het project toch door te laten gaan. Lees meer
Dit project is helemaal voordekunst. De financiering is geslaagd. Via de updates houdt de projectmaker je op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen rond dit project.
je krijgt altijd je geld terug als het project niet slaagt veilig en snel betalen geen transactiekosten
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Star Tip van de maker
€ 100 of meer

-I will send you a print of my thesis by post, an investigation on materials as a medium of communication and wonder (January); -prizes described for lower donations;

5 donaties

€ 10 of meer

Geen tegenprestatie

Ik wil dit project graag steunen en hoef hiervoor geen tegenprestatie te ontvangen.

2 donaties

€ 10 of meer

-I will update you (at least) monthly with what I have achieved, and plan to build next; Updates will be shared via a private blog. -An invitation to the opening!

5 donaties

€ 50 of meer

-gifts by post; -prizes described for lower donations;

3 donaties

€ 200 of meer

-One drawing. -prizes described for lower donations;

3 donaties

€ 350 of meer

-A small sculpture (by post) -A studio visit any time to look at what I am working on; -prizes described for lower donations;

0 donaties

€ 700 of meer

-A sculpture, to be latter negotiated according to the size of the donation, and your name on booklet people will receive when visiting the show. -Prizes above described;

3 donaties