My name is Laurent and I am the owner of a music bar café the Meister.
The Meister means in our dialect teacher.
The bar has been named after my grandfather, who was a teacher.
But got this nickname for his contribution to the people he tried to help.
Through common knowledge, health, exercise and spiritual matters he tried to give back to those who needed him.
Although times have changed, many problems still exist.
The basic human rights and needs are universal.
Because ofso many different reasons these are not provided to youth, the elderly,minorities, and many other people who fall below the standards of accepted behavior.
With my experience and vision I try to follow my grandfather’s steps and try to assist these people but also those who do not need it.
Ithink that communication is a primary condition to be met for understanding each other.
Art, music,poetry, and drama are examples to help those, who find it hard to express themselves.
But also to listening to the great artists who already have been here, local or international are a welcome change for everybody.
It is a universal right to express yourself in freedom, and who better to represent this basic right then the artists who try to point out problems or joy inentertainment.
Myself and the people around me try to help artists, by showing for example that the money dominated music business are not guidelines we follow.
We try to also give back the joy and pleasure to the artists, bands guest and audiences by showing that making profit is not our core business.
It is a way of life!
There are so many ways of life and we try to respect and support them by our motto and rules here.
No hate, no violence, no prejudgments.
Because of my health problems I am not able to sustain my business from my own finances, and are now asking you with crowdfunding to help us with financial support.
When the financial support comes we will continue trying to do our positive influence in this society.
But we will also continue to be a stage for the artists who we have in our hearts and hopefully many more to join them.
For this I need your help, if you are willing could you donate at this crowdfunding to help us execute this plan. and share with as many people possible.
Many of you may have heard of us or played at our venue and you know what we do and how we do it.
Off course we will keep you updated of our progress and be transparent to you how we spent the money.
To be shortwe are not only a stage, but also a rehearsal area, I am a counselor who tries to listen and help many people.
We provide darts, and billiards and our plans are to fix our kitchen and start a soupkitchen for the people who need it.
But also maintain proper and healthy food for the people who can afford it.
We try to start art, drama and a music school to help the youth.
And also cycling and walking clubs for health.
We try to bring knowledge and information in any way to the people by discussion and art
Autistic, bipolar, transgender, gay and other people from many beliefs and social or racial backgrounds have called the Meister their home and we want to keep it that way and expand this feeling to those who want it.
I do not want to speak for other people, but I think that we have helped many and we hope for your support to continue helping in this new form.
Many will write their own experiences about us and our venue.
I will add some for the crowdfunding.
Those who do not yet know us are also welcome to read about us and donate to help us.
We would be very grateful and hope to show you that we are your trust worthy.
Many thanks in advance,
Here are some stories of artists and visitors and recomondations of volounteer work I do.
They are in Dutch and English.
Because we are known all over the world.
It is hard to translate all in all languages.
also because these are not my words and I do not want to alter them.
And I hope you can use a translate program if you would like to read one or all.
Mijn naam is Raphael.
Voordat ik in Cafe de Meister kwam zat ik in een compleet isolement. Ik kwam nergens, sloot me alleen maar thuis op. Totdat ik me een keer had laten overhalen mee te gaan omdat het maar voor een uurtje zou zijn.Uiteindelijk ben ik een paar uur in het cafe geweest. Vanaf dat moment voelde het voor mij meteen vertrouwd en kwam ik er elke week. Cafe de Meister was van begin af aan al een plek waar ik me thuis voelde en iedereen aardig tegen je was. Ik had mezelf terug gevonden zo voelde het.
Toen ik er langer kwam raakte ik vaker in gesprek met mensen in het cafe en merkte dat het een grote familie was in dit cafe. Iedereen kent elkaar, steunt elkaar en iedereen wilt elkaar helpen. Bij elk persoon waar ik mee praatte voelde het goed om mijn verhaal te doen en over dingen te praten wat aan de hand waren in mijn leven. Ik kan oprecht zeggen dat ik een tweede thuis heb, een tweede familie heb. Cafe de Meister.
Maar niet alleen dat. Ik heb een vaderfiguur die ik nooit heb gehad. De eigenaar Laurent. Wat deze man voor mij heeft gedaan is onvoorstelbaar. In tijden dat ik er helemaal doorheen zat heb ik met hem kunnen praten en hielp hij me. Hij heeft me onderdak geboden op een moment dat ik nergens terecht kon. Hij heeft me met zoveel problemen geholpen maar het mooiste van alles is dat hij me heeft geholpen met mezelf. Dankzij praten met Laurent ben ik mezelf heel erg gaan ontwikkelen en als het even niet goed ging met me schudde hij me weer wakker en ging ik weer terug het goede pad op. Ik ben hem hier eeuwig dankbaar voor.
Ik heb me nooit zelfverzekerd gevoeld, ik was nooit een persoon die praatte over zijn gevoelens of wat er speelde in zijn leven totdat ik hier terecht kwam. Voordat ik ook maar iemand ander iets vertelde had ik het eerst in de Meister erover.
Zo ben ik sinds januari begonnen met mensen te vertellen dat ik transgender ben. De eerste mensen die ik het verteld heb komen allemaal inde Meister. Waarom vertel ik het daar als eerste. Nou omdat ik wist dat ik geaccepteerd zou worden hier. Ik had een goed gevoel erbij om eindelijk echt volledig mezelf te kunnen zijn en zodat hopelijk mensen het begrepen en me zouden steunen tijdens het proces waar ik nu mee begonnen ben. Ik wist dat ik dat hier kon doen en dat ik fijne reacties zou krijgen. Deze zekerheid en steun had ik nodig om mezelf het zetje te geven om het te vertellen. Inmiddels weet bijna iedereen het, niet alleen in café maar ook erbuiten en ben ik bezig met het proces. Als ik nooit in Café de Meister was gekomen had ik deze stap nooit durven maken.
Dus nee Café de Meister is niet alleen een cafe, is niet alleen muziek en kunst. Café de Meister was mijn redding, mijn uitweg van de ellende en dat zal het altijd blijven.
Waarom vind ik dat café de Meister veel potentie heeft? In ieder geval door het netwerk dat Laurent (kastelein) opgebouwd heeft.
In de laatste 2 jaar heb ik vele top-acts gezien in café de Meister. Namen en live-prestaties waar ik van versteld stond! Dit alles aan de rand van Lindenheuvel in de gemeente Sittard/Geleen! Het feit dat op deze locatie zo’n bedrijvigheid op cultureel gebied plaats vindt, zou voor elke instelling of iedere persoon genoeg reden moeten zijn om hier te komen, een ervaring te beleven en/of te investeren ineen zeer vruchtbare toekomst in een belangrijke onderneming op ieder gebied….
Tim Reichrath (Freelance musicus,docent gitaar en eerste graad muziek-pedagoog)
Hierbij wil ik graag een oproep doen om Café De Meister te steunen. Mijn ervaringen met de mensen, de dingen die ze ondernemen en begeleiden, zijn uiterst positief.
Meer specifiek, ik werk voor Sakada Bookings en speel zelf in de bands Koyle en Emeth. Op beide fronten weet ik water nodig is om een geslaagd evenement/optreden te hebben. Er komt veelorganisatie en vakkennis aan te pas. En niet te onderschatten, de sociale vaardigheden om alles vlot te laten verlopen, een goede communicatie tussen booker, promoter, bands, licht-en geluidsmensen, merchcrew, logistiek,... is onmisbaar.
Al deze kwaliteiten vind je bij de mensen van De Meister. Ze zetten zich zodanig in dat niemand iets te kort komt, allesgoed verloopt en op het einde van de rit iedereen met een goed gevoel naar huis gaat, ook , vooral ook het publiek.
De Meister heeft hulp nodig van buiten af om deze schitterende werking door te kunnen zetten en hopelijk nog verder uitte groeien. Mijn steun hebben ze zeker al. Via deze korte brief ben ik zo vrij ook die van u te vragen om deze fantastische organisatie te steunen.
Met de meeste hoogachting,
Roeland Alen/Alan Rawson
Geluk zaligheid troef in DE MEISTER. Alweer gewonnen met poolen. Hoe bestaat het? Het antwoord is simpel. In rockcafé DE MEISTER komen alleen maar MEISTERS. Ongeacht ieders bekwaamheid, of vermogen tot leren, is elke man, vrouw, jongen, meisje, transgender die DE MEISTER bezoekt, zelf een MEISTER. Dit is de kracht en aantrekkingskracht van de kroeg, waar wordt gedart, pool gespeeld, muziek gemaakt, bier gedronken, en gezongen. Iedereen is gelijk: bij aanvang is dit het algemeen aanvaard menselijk uitgangspunt. Ofschoon afkomst, opvoeding en talent natuurlijk verschillen (ieder mens, elk levend wezen is uniek), is het motto van DE MEISTER: iedereen is gelijk, tenzij anders wordt bewezen. Met andere woorden: DE MEISTER is, behalve een muziekcafé, vooral sociaal honk,waar jong en oud uit de wijk Lindenheuvel, samenkomen om plezier te hebben, te spelen en te leren. De ontwikkeling van elk individu staat voorop, met inachtneming van ieders persoonlijke unieke eigenschappen, welke door hun verscheidenheid, DE MEISTER zoveel kleur verlenen. We zijn allemaal MEISTER in DE MEISTER. We staan ons mannetje. Wees welkom aan onze stamtafel. Een dis waarop de meest overheerlijke gerechten prijken; een menu samengesteld door ervaren koks (o.a. uit België). Of neem deel aan onze pool- en dartwedstrijden,als deelnemer of toeschouwer. Overeind staat dat er altijd muziek zal klinken,live of uit de luidsprekers. Want muziek is de universele taal die ons allen verbindt. Rock it, suck it, duck it, fuck it!
Marcel Roncken,
Official Blaze Bayley
Hi Ginny, here's mystatement.... I had a fantastic show at De Meister, a very warm welcome &with fans travelling from far afield as well as from the locality. It's a venue where I can deliver my show & most importantly the fans are treated very well.
"To include my humble addition to this great cause I'd like to pay my honest respects and worship towards Laurent Hennekens and his music bar/visionary project 'Café De Meister'.My name is János Romualdo Krusenbaum and I'm the leader of German Progressive Rock Band 'Seeking Raven'. Within two years I played four concerts at 'De Meister' already and with over 70 concerts in my catalogue I think of it as my favourite venue ever. It is more than just a music venue, Laurent leads a place for free spirits, creative minds and lovers of art & music. In today's society this means so much, a lot of live venues have to close down these days cause appreciation and public funding for arts & culture is decreasing more and more.But cultural centers are so important for an open-minded society and to see the decreasing importance of art makes me truly sad. This is why we need more people like Laurent who are deep thinkers and raise projects like 'De Meister'not out of self-interest and to raise a lot of money but in order to create something good & new for their community. And now on top of that, Laurent even starts to develope ideas like helping out homeless and poor people with his project - if anybody deserves financial support, then it is him & and his team. Efforts like this have to be supported and appreciated and I appeal to you-who ever is reading this and is able to give Laurent the means he needs to continue- that you help this man out and this way make a great contribution to art, culture and a good community.Yours truly,János Romualdo Krusenbaum (Seeking Raven)"
Sakada Bookings v.z.w.
Koningsstraat 58/1
8400 Ostend - Belgium
Tel. +32 (0)485 28 15 76
Reg. #0659.748.369
To whoeverit might concern
Ostend, 29/07/2017
Dear all,
My name is Alessia and am the head booker of Sakada Bookings.
We are 4 persons representing 9 international bands and am writing in behalf of us all.
We are writing to fully support for the Cafè De Meister and its owner Laurent Hennekens as we got to know he is facing financial difficulties.
This place MUST stay alive.
The nowadays rock music scene is very hard for young and/or smaller bands and in the Cafè De Meister we found a passionatemanager always willing to help in the name of the music.
Laurent always made us feel at home and has always helped any bands and crew even if that involved loss of money for him, so clearly he's not moved by greed.
This guy is also a great communicator and am sure he could do many good things for the entire community even by involving young people in the organisation of the shows keeping them away from dangerous companies; I witnessed that in first person.
His customers love him and the place is a very valuable recreation point for the area.
If there is someone I know who deserves Statefunds to keep doing what he's doing that's HIM.
We are very glad to be able to work with him and we're willing to keep doing that for the years to come.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Alessia & Sakada Bookings
We are a band called ''Set Before Us'', based in Stockholm, Sweden.
We played at Cafe De Meister the 13:th of July 2016 during our european summer tour and we are very happywith the experience. We found Cafe De Meister through a fellow swedish bandcalled ''Brighthaven'', showing as well that the venue has an international reputation.
Giving a very professional first impression, you can tell Laurent has many years experience putting on shows, we felt that we were in safe hands from the first minute.
Music and art is something that unites people regardless of personal background. It is love, passion and hard work. Something clearly Laurent has for his venue and his hard work bringing both national and international bands to Geleen is a proof of that.
We believe it is places like Cafe De Meister that makes the music scene thrive. For lesser known acts, as ourselves, finding shows abroad can take a lot of effort however since we knew of the venue (through a fellow swedish band) it made it much easier for us. Gaining a reputation outside of your nation's borders will increase the number of bands wanting to make a stop at Geleen.
We much look forward returning to Geleen and Cafe De Meister!
Best regards,
Set Before Us - Erik Tropp,Hampus Andersson, Niklas Edstrom, Jesper Nilsson, Emanuel Borgefors
Hello this is Rasmus from the band Crowsnest.
When we were on tour in October 2015 the place that stood out the most was definitely Café De Meister.
We were taken care of really well and the place is a really good music venue.
Good sound, good people and simply good times.
I really hope that the place doesen't have to close down cause it's one of the best venues I have ever played and the owner takesvery good care of the bands that play there.
bij deze tekenen wij de petitie,
JozefSchuijren – fotograaf
Kelly Schuijren – psycholoog
We totally support Laurent, master of hospitality and passion. We travelled a lot to play in café the Meister and Laurent made us feel like we were at home, rarely we found people that really care about that. A world with more people with this attitude would be a better world.
We had heard about De Meister as a music haven long before we came to play there; it is a venue musicians recommend to each other and rightly so. Rarely have we seen such a welcoming place, ready to host shows from international and well-established bands, but also to give their chance to more local acts, because they know talent and passion are to be found everywhere, not only behind the big bankable names! We would call this place a home too, and we knowit is too many others. Against the current trend of isolation now spreading in the world, this is a place of sharing, of creativity, of getting-together, and it would be a terrible loss for everyone, should it decline. Help De Meister thrive, rarely has such a place deserved it more!
Marie, singer of Alwaid, French metal band.
Re Café**De Meister**
As musicians Weeping Silence (Malta) feel the obligation to support all people and venues that contribute positively to the arts in any way or form. Earlier this year, Weeping Silence was on a short tour in Benelux and played Café De Meister. The effort put in by Laurent Hennekens to ensure the success of the show, as well as the extraordinary reception he gave the band will forever be engraved in the band’s memory. This venue may be small, but the owner has a big heart to make up for it, and puts in his mind and soul to assist performing artists by offering a platform to them. Growing musicians rely places like Café De Meister to perform for fans. Should such places disappear the music community will suffer a major blow since upcoming bands will no longer have the platform required to catapult them to larger venues. In addition, venues like Café De Meister offer nothing short of positive social meeting places, which are harmless and desirable for social cohesion.
Weeping Silence would like to make a case for Café De Meister to remain open, and get the support needed from the community and local politicians so that culture and art may prevailover matters of pure financial or non-artistic gain.
Our best wishes to Laurent and Café De Meister! May common sense prevail.
Sean Pollacco (ID245280M) & Weeping Silence