Support MONO

Dankzij 497 donaties die samen € 28318 opleverden voor MONO. Superbedankt voor het bijdragen via voordekunst.



Geslaagd! – 1275 dagen geleden
€ 28.318 van € 25k
497 donateurs
Dit project is helemaal voordekunst. De financiering is geslaagd. Via de updates houdt de projectmaker je op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen rond dit project.


Gemeente Rotterdam

VriendenLoterij Fonds

Support MONO: invest in a future where MONO can be a safe haven.

CC: Koen Bouman

MONO: de culturele ontmoetingsplek voor de alternatieve geluiden van Rotterdam. Een zeldzame ruwe diamant, op het nog ongerepte stuk, aan de rand van het centrum. We organiseren festivals, manifestaties, debatten, workshops en bieden plek voor opkomende dj's, producers en audiovisuele artiesten. Waar we samen investeren in een plek die de toegankelijkheid heeft van een buurthuis, laagdrempelig artistiek-inhoudelijke programma's vormgeeft die zich verhouden tot het internationale discours.

For English scroll below

Dit jaar was niet makkelijk, maar we hebben onze weerbaarheid en volharding getoond. Als specialisten in het van niets-iets maken zijn we creatief geweest met beschikbare middelen en zijn we opgestaan voor waar we in geloven. Alles wat we samen hebben opgebouwd, alles dat ons lief is, staat onder druk door externe factoren. Meer dan ooit zijn we vastberaden hier samen sterker uit te komen en samen richting te geven aan dit historisch moment met al haar verregaande gevolgen voor ons voortbestaan.

Cultureel Instituut in wording
We bundelen onze krachten met onze vrienden van (A)WAKE en bouwen aan een cultuur instituut in wording. Als thuishaven voor de alternatieve geluiden, gevestigd in het stedelijk landschap van deze stad die sterk is geworden door strijd, vormen wij de basis voor digitale, jeugd- en tegencultuur. Met een hoopvolle blik op de toekomst, een dat gedragen wordt door bouwstenen van nuance en meerstemmigheid, delen we de behoefte ruimte te maken voor het mogelijke, het imaginaire, de verbinding.

Bouwen met de community
Het fundament is het ‘wij:’ een community dat haar stem luid en duidelijk durft te laten weergalmen, een gemeenschap gebouwd op gedeelde waarden van saamhorigheid, verbinding en meerstemmigheid. Jullie zijn het fundament waarop MONO is gebouwd en daarom hopen we een beroep op jullie te doen. Samen met de hulp van onze vrienden van Voordekunst organiseren we deze actie om ons voortbestaan mogelijk te maken en te groeien naar een plek die het Rotterdam van de toekomst verdient. Waar we ruimte maken binnen de knellende hokjes van identiteit, de verwachting van de maatstaf en het toonbeeld van kwaliteit. Waar we ruimte maken voor nieuwe digitale kunst met een visuele studio, ruimte voor muzikale producties in onze audio-studio, en ruimte voor eigentijdse lectuur in een reading room. Maar vooral, ruimte maken voor het alternatieve geluid wat was, is en blijft.

Support MONO.

Meer info

CC: Toto Kersten
CC: Koen Bouman

MONO. The cultural space for alternative sounds in Rotterdam. A rare unpolished diamond, in an authentic part of the city, at the edge of the center. Where we organize festivals, manifestations, workshops, talks and create space for emerging dj's, producers and audiovisual artists. Where we invest together in a place that has the accessibility of a community center, and that designs low-threshold artistic programs that relate to the international discourse.

This year was not easy, but we have shown our resilience and persistence. As specialists in making something from nothing, we have been creative with available resources and stood up for what we believe in. Everything we have built together, everything that is dear to us, is under pressure from external factors. More than ever, we are determined to come out stronger together and together give direction to this historic moment with all its far-reaching consequences for our survival.

Cultural Institute in progress
We join forces with our friends from (A)WAKE and are building a culture institute in the making. As a home for the alternative sounds, established in the urban landscape of this city that has become strong through struggle, we form the basis for digital, youth and counterculture. With a hopeful look to the future, one that is supported by building blocks of nuance and polyphony, we share the need to make room for the possible, the imaginary, the connection.

Community as the foundation
The foundation is the 'we': a community that dares to make its voice heard loud and clear, a community built on shared values ​​of togetherness, connection and a collective voice. You are the foundation on which MONO is built and so we hope to appeal to you. Together with the help of our friends from Voordekunst, we are organizing this action to enable our survival, and to grow into a place that deserves the Rotterdam of the future. Where we make room within the squeezing boxes of identity, the expectation of the benchmark and the paragon of quality. Where we make room for new digital art with a visual studio, space for musical productions in our audio studio, and space for contemporary reading in a reading room. But above all, making room for the alternative sound that was, is and remains.

Support MONO

More info

nieuwste donaties


mono is geweldig!!

12-3-2021, 14:31
Een donateur

Een stad zonder kunst, cultuur, horeca is een stad zonder ziel, dat moet dus blijven bestaan!

10-3-2021, 16:59
Een donateur

Beautiful place w/ beautiful staff & customers. Nothing but good vibes each time I've been there.

10-3-2021, 15:37
Geslaagd! – 1275 dagen geleden
€ 28.318 van € 25k
497 donateurs
Dit project is helemaal voordekunst. De financiering is geslaagd. Via de updates houdt de projectmaker je op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen rond dit project.


Gemeente Rotterdam

VriendenLoterij Fonds

je krijgt altijd je geld terug als het project niet slaagt veilig en snel betalen geen transactiekosten
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€ 75 of meer

Gorilli supports MONO

Gorilli surprised us with a last minute support. One of Rotterdams' very own lifestyle brands is pampering us a sick goodie bag. This is what you get: a full Gorilli tracksuit and a fitting tote bag. Psst, retail value: €100,00

0 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 10 of meer

Geen tegenprestatie

Ik wil dit project graag steunen en hoef hiervoor geen tegenprestatie te ontvangen.

174 donaties

€ 15 of meer

(A)WAKE supports MONO - The Outpost magazine

Our beloved friends of The Outpost - a Beirut based magazines of possibilities - will support MONO with a limited edition of the 'The Possibility of Finding Home’. The Outpost became a space for new voices from across the region to come together and tell a different story about who they are and who they could be. As €5 of every donation will go to Embrace Lebanon: a foundation that support the Lebanese community in need for support on mental health, you will not only support your favourite place in Rotterdam but also contribute the bigger cause. Shout out to Ibrahim Nehme for this one!

33 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 25 of meer

MONO supporter package

You support MONO deeply and the world should know this. Donate and get your hands on this supporter package with stickers + special edition MONO tote bag + exclusive MONO lighter.

64 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 35 of meer

Stacii Samidin supports MONO

A photography masterclass given by the talented documentary photographer Stacii Samidin. Dive into the world of authentic, honest and unfamiliar territories through a 60 min masterclass.

17 donaties

verwachte levertijd: mei 2021

€ 45 of meer

MONO lover package

You are just fully in love with MONO and this donation is a tribute to this. To show our humble love back you will receive a bunch of stickers + special edition MONO tote bag + exclusive MONO lighter + MONO t'shirt. Feels like a balanced relationship.

44 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 50 of meer

(A)WAKE support Ableton cursus

A two hour introduction workshop Ableton live by Moroccan Brussels-based producer Cheb Runner. Discover your talent as beatmaker and producer and get yourself educated by the master Ableton himself. This workshop will be provided in a class of 10 people max on a Saturday afternoon in spring and autumn.

6 donaties

verwachte levertijd: mei 2021

€ 50 of meer

Shokunin Coffee supports MONO - barista cursus

Besides his likeability and looks, Elias is also a very talented barista. Shokunin Coffee, the high quality coffee roastery based in Rotterdam joins forces. Together they will offer a 2-hour workshop for everyone who wants to get introduced with the wonderful world of coffee. So if you want to be in the exclusive company of our Elias or in the need of upgrading your coffee knowledge. Join us! Workshop is for max 6 people and will be planned on a Saturday afternoon this summer.

3 donaties

verwachte levertijd: juni 2021

€ 50 of meer

Dekmantel supports MONO

Dekmantel is bringing something extra to the table and joined forces in this crowdfunding. Imagine yourself at a festival for a moment with this special offer. Expect a full package loaded with a Dekmantel shirt, two must-have EPs of Epsilove - Psychic Venom and Stellar OM Source - I See Through You. Let us not forget the always-usable-stickers to upgrade your visual appearance and a tote bag that adds up some credits to your audiophile-status again. Big up to our friends from Amsterdam!

3 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 75 of meer

MONO fam package

You don't love MONO, you just simply feel fully part of it. Its like the family you would like to have. So this package is for the true fam full of stickers + special edition MONO tote bag + exclusive MONO lighter + MONO special edition t'shirt + exclusive cassette tape. Forever yours.

9 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 250 of meer

Lynn Somers supports MONO

For all the MONO veterans among us: the very first MONO ring. This is a once in a life time item, made by the very talented Lynn Somers - our Rotterdam based handmade jewellery maker. Details: Handmade 925 silver MONO ring. Ring size : 18mm (can be customized). So move first, think later.

0 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 450 of meer

MONO x book our resident DJs

Let's be honest: soon everything will be better and before you know it, all the DJ's will be fully booked again. MONO is a breeding ground for the finest emerging selectors, and some of them will be adopted to our family. These residents are in-between, fluid and diverse, just like MONO. This offer provides 2-hour set of one of our residents including travel-cost to your venue (Netherlands only). Book now and we will get in touch to make sure you get the best music for your sweet21+birthday-party, hip&happening opening or upgrade to the slightly boring monthly company get-together. Don't worry - due to COVID, this offer is valid for a year a least.

2 donaties

€ 12 of meer

Falafval support MONO

Prepare-it-at-home Falafval package for two persons from your zero-waste-maximum-taste vegan falafval makers from Rotterdam. note: as they will be delivered personally by cutie and co-founder Scifo the Falafval support box is available in Rotterdam only

30 donaties

verwachte levertijd: mei 2021

€ 15 of meer

Klauw supports MONO

A glorious first edition of KLAUW collective featuring articles on music, movies, community care and ART by BPOC and QUEER creatives.

10 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 22 of meer

MONO x Valentine special

Valentine is almost there. Now Rona is making our live again more difficult than it already is with blocking our freedom of meeting and expressing in real life. But as we are overwhelmed with love, we decided it is our turn to help out. So we offer you this Valentine-Special - just this year. Here is the deal: these 3 casanovas will deliver your personal message supported with live-music by @chebrunner and with a rose as finishing touch. All we need is the address and your message. Note: this offer is only available Sunday the 14th of February, we will deliver between 12.00 - 20.00 and the delivery address should be in Rotterdam-centrum, Rotterdam-West or Rotterdam-Noord. After your order we will get in touch with you about the details.

4 donaties

€ 25 of meer

Susan Bijl supports MONO (medium)

Rotterdams most iconic shopping bag, in Medium. The true Ferrari under the portable gears. Based on the silhouette of a generic plastic bag but with the strength and beauty of one-should-have fashion item. We got our hands on the exclusive, not-for-sale, one of a kind blue one. Goes by the official name: Electric Blue & Keyblue. It can be yours while supporting MONO. A winners only situation.

45 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 30 of meer

Susan Bijl supports MONO (large)

Rotterdams most iconic shopping bag, in Large. The true Ferrari under the portable gears. Based on the silhouette of a generic plastic bag but with the strength and beauty of one-should-have fashion item. We got our hands on the exclusive, not-for-sale, one of a kind blue one. Goes by the official name: Electric Blue & Keyblue. It can be yours while supporting MONO. A winners only situation.

45 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 45 of meer

Clone supports MONO

A special curated Clone Records package pampering you with a tote bag + sticker package + 2 white-label records. The best surprise box for true audiophiles.

10 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 45 of meer

Operator supports MONO

A limited Operator package with pair of socks + Eindeloos gedoe t'shirt + a tote bag + sticker set. Something you wanted to have anyway.

5 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 50 of meer

Pinkman supports MONO

Rotterdams label Pinkman package with a t'shirt + mock + tote bag and special curated selection of vinyls of Rotterdam based artists. Worth double, so don't sleep over this one.

4 donaties

verwachte levertijd: april 2021

€ 50 of meer

Franky Sticks supports MONO

Scratch workshop for beginners and semi-advanced by the one and only Franky Sticks. In this workshop you will learn the basic techniques and how to apply them in your mixes. Limited space.

4 donaties

verwachte levertijd: juni 2021