Dankzij 294 donaties die samen € 20145 opleverden voor Sevilay Maria. Superbedankt voor het bijdragen via voordekunst.

Sevilay Maria


Geslaagd! – 1723 dagen geleden
€ 20.145 van € 20k
294 donateurs
Hoera! Het project heeft de drempel van 80% gehaald! De maker past de begroting aan om het project toch door te laten gaan. Lees meer
Dit project is helemaal voordekunst. De financiering is geslaagd. Via de updates houdt de projectmaker je op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen rond dit project.


VriendenLoterij Fonds

Mondriaan Fonds


In the past 3 years, my work has explored the extensive grey zone that exists within sexes. The #MYOWNGENDER project is the final chapter.

What does gender mean to you? An easy question, isn't it? Well... Not exactly.

Because what might seem to be a simple case, hasn't got a straight-forward a or b answer for many. #MYOWNGENDER explores what does and – most importantly - doesn't defines gender among those who find themselves blurring the binary male or female spectrum. It shares their story in times that it might matter most.

The project
As a photographer, I discuss the themes of our modern-days through a photography technique from 1851. Within this duality, I try to look further than the obvious, observing social issues rather than submerging with the subject.

In the past 3 years, my work has explored the extensive grey zone that exists within sexes. The #MYOWNGENDER project is the final chapter of this arch. Besides a book, an educational program, and multiple documentaries, the main element of this project is a travelling, 5 by 2,5-meter art installation fusing photography with audio, video, and written word. A unity showcasing all the nuances of gender.

Models who identify as fluid within the spectrum of gender are captured on black glass through collodion wet-plating and share their story in a short interview. No matter what their pronoun may be. No matter old or young. No matter background or religion. All become an element within a circular construction that encloses every passerby with their story. The viewer becomes the viewed - even if it's just for a second.

As of January, the final installation, film and book shares the stories of the models on locations such as Meterhuisje at Westerpark, De Hallen and Pakhuis de Zwijger - to be told and retold by the world. Besides those public venues, i am currently in contact with multiple museums that are interested in showcasing #MYOWNGENDER.

Why we need your help
Over the last couple of months I captured 36 models for #MYOWNGENDER, but to share their story with the world I need your help. Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst already supported the creation of the #MYOWNGENDER installation. This crowdfunding will help me finish the project, financing the production of a book, in collaboration with designer Martijn Pool / Jord Noorbeek and writer Marlies Bax, as well as multiple documentaries that we will film on film with Joey de Leeuw.

All donation options can be found on the donation page. Donate and help us tell their story.


Instagram Sevilay Maria

Director & Edit: Nina Albada Jelgersma

Samantha for #MYOWNGENDER
Talitha for #MYOWNGENDER

nieuwste donaties


Waanzinnig mooi intens project

9-11-2019, 13:46
Een donateur

Mooi project!

8-11-2019, 12:36
Anna Elisabeth

Sevilay Maria is een topfotograaf, en haar projecten verdienen het om ondersteund te worden.

6-11-2019, 20:17
Geslaagd! – 1723 dagen geleden
€ 20.145 van € 20k
294 donateurs
Hoera! Het project heeft de drempel van 80% gehaald! De maker past de begroting aan om het project toch door te laten gaan. Lees meer
Dit project is helemaal voordekunst. De financiering is geslaagd. Via de updates houdt de projectmaker je op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen rond dit project.


VriendenLoterij Fonds

Mondriaan Fonds

je krijgt altijd je geld terug als het project niet slaagt veilig en snel betalen geen transactiekosten
IdealPaypalMastercardVisaBancontact Mr CashSofort
Star Tip van de maker

Signed book #MYOWNGENDER

Thank you! You'll receive a signed copy of the book. (incl. shipping costs NL)

71 donaties

verwachte levertijd: maart 2020

Geen tegenprestatie

Ik wil dit project graag steunen en hoef hiervoor geen tegenprestatie te ontvangen.

213 donaties


Thank you! Walk the streets with this beautiful #MYOWNGENDER eco canvas bag.

16 donaties

verwachte levertijd: januari 2020

bezorgadres vereist


Thank you! You'll receive a photo print with one of the images from the book. (27x35cm)

1 donatie

verwachte levertijd: januari 2020

bezorgadres vereist

Wetplate Shoot

Thank you! You will have your your own portrait on wetplate. You get to see the whole process up close and you will go home with a 8 by 10 inch wetplate.

6 donaties

4 beschikbaar

verwachte levertijd: februari 2020

Wetplate Shoot

Thank you! You will your own portrait on wetplate. You get to see the whole process up close and you will go home with a 11 by 14 inch wetplate.

2 donaties

8 beschikbaar

verwachte levertijd: februari 2020

Wetplate shoot Black Glass

Thank you! You will have your own portrait on blackglass with the wetplate technique. You get to see the whole process up close and you will go home with a 8 bij 10 inch wetplate.

0 donaties

10 beschikbaar

verwachte levertijd: februari 2020

Private screening + Book + Talk

Great choice! I will invite you and 3 friends to have a private screening of the film and installation. Also you get a meet and great with 3 models of the project. And because i am so grateful you support my project with 1000 euro (or more) you will receive one signed copy of the book with a canvas bag of the project.

0 donaties

10 beschikbaar

verwachte levertijd: januari 2020