DDM - Subdivisions

Vlissingen, Nederland

Damian de Muijnck


Campagne afgelopen – 2707 dagen geleden
€ 115 van € 2.750
2 donateurs
Deze campagne is afgelopen. Je kunt niet meer doneren.

Help me to realize my soloalbum called 'Subdivisions'!

The goal is to finish my debut album and release it near the end of 2017. The album consists of well-written progressive metal with fusion and jazz influences. I'd like to think we have something truly unique going on here and we very much like to share this with you. However, to achieve this goal we're going to need YOUR help!

In return, you will of course get the full album (signed by the DDM members!) once it is released - with your name mentioned in the credits. During recording we will keep you updated and of course you will get some nice extras as well. This means: studio footage, progress photos, play-through videos and more. In the meantime you can pick up our single ’Subdivisions’ on iTunes, Bandcamp or any other digital outlet of your choice.

The album will also feature an impressive list of seasoned musicians such as Adam Holzman on keyboards (Steven Wilson, Miles Davis), Ronny Heimdal on guitar (Diabolos in Musica, Ronny Heimdal and Waste Lagoon), Richard Hallebeek on guitar (RHP), Robin Zielhorst (Cynic, OneGodless, Exiguous, Our Oceans) plus many other highly prolific artists which are soon to be announced.

If I reach the funding goal of 2750 euros, I'll record the whole album and I'll also use it for the mix and mastering.

If you back this campaign you'll be a part of our dream journey and you personally will turn this dream into a reality!

DDM Biography:

Damian de Muijnck (DDM) is a young and talented drummer from Vlissingen, the Netherlands. Ever since he was a very young boy at the age of only six years old, he has had this musical vision in which he shows the world his talent and the many influences he gathered over the years.
Today, this dream comes to fruition with the help of some gifted musicians that support this dream. Together with the help of Benjamin van Geest (a multi-instrumentalist and progressive rock/metal/fusion composer) they are working hard to create DDM's debut album, called 'Subdivisions'.

The album title is very appropriate, because the music on it features some pretty complex polyrhythmic structures and odd-time signatures. At the same time though, the overall focus is never lost with plenty of room for melody and dynamics. In this day and age where it's difficult to be unique, the DDM project has managed to be just that, combining elements of Djent, Fusion, Jazz and Progressive Metal/Rock into one coherently crafted album.

'Subdivisions' will feature some exciting seasoned players too, like Adam Holzman (Miles Davis / Steven Wilson), Richard Hallebeek (Dutch guitar player extraordinaire) and Robin Zielhorst (Cynic, Textures and Exivious), to name just a few.

The album is due in October 2017 and when it has been released Damian doesn't want to stop there; to further fulfill his dreams he wants to eventually take this project out on the road, so people can really experience the dynamics of the music of this band on stage.

Risks and challenges

Our goal to release the album by October 2017 is realistic as we are well on our way regarding the amount of tracks we need for the album. However, delays are unavoidable. So, if it turns out we're not going to meet the targeted deadline we will let you know well in advance. This project will be a succes and the album (and the awards that come with it) will find its way to you. We will communicate any changes with you as we go along.

If you want to visit my portfolio, please click on the link below:


Thank you for your support!

nieuwste donaties

Danielle Butz

Damian is een jong talent met veel passie voor muziek. Hij verdient het om zijn droom waar te kunnen maken.

2-3-2017, 20:21
Daniel de Coninck


1-3-2017, 17:02
Campagne afgelopen – 2707 dagen geleden
€ 115 van € 2.750
2 donateurs
Deze campagne is afgelopen. Je kunt niet meer doneren.
je krijgt altijd je geld terug als het project niet slaagt veilig en snel betalen geen transactiekosten
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Star Tip van de maker

The full signed 'Subdivisions' CD + your name mentioned in the credits. Poster of the album's artwork signed by members of DDM.

1 donatie

verwachte levertijd: oktober 2017

Geen tegenprestatie

Ik wil dit project graag steunen en hoef hiervoor geen tegenprestatie te ontvangen.

0 donaties

Eternal Gratitude! Thank you for supporting my dream!

0 donaties

You'll get a copy of the full album signed by the DDM members and in addition your name will be displayed in the album credits on the CD booklet.

1 donatie

verwachte levertijd: september 2017

CD + Play through videos and extras The full signed 'Subdivisions' CD + an exclusive look inside the journey of making the album.

0 donaties

Skype drum lesson with Damian de Muijnck You can take an online drum lesson via Skype with Damian himself. The duration of the session will be approximately 30 minutes.

0 donaties