"The Lucky One" by Hüseyin Badilli

Dankzij 148 donaties die samen € 10321 opleverden voor Hüseyin Badilli. Superbedankt voor het bijdragen via voordekunst.

Hüseyin Badilli

Singer-Song Writer

Geslaagd! – 2955 dagen geleden
€ 10.321 van € 10k
148 donateurs
Dit project is helemaal voordekunst. De financiering is geslaagd. Via de updates houdt de projectmaker je op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen rond dit project.


Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst

Het Cultuurfonds

The link below shows you how to donate step by step in English with pictures!

- We make sense together -

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This album is about Hüseyin Badilli, sometimes also called Anthony or Pharaoh. He is originally a jazz singer and songwriter, and recently added performance artist to his many talents. And this man allowed himself to fall in love. “The lucky one” from the title of the CD was the object of his affections, however luck didn't hold in their story. Hüseyin was forced to fall out of love again. His freshly discovered feelings released a new artistic character in him, which he can now share with you.

In this period I experienced so many different aspects in love and wrote songs about them. Each song represents a different character, all the various faces I discovered in myself as a man going through love and then loss.”

This new creative drive needed fresh sounds and a different way of composing to reflect Hüseyin's most recent songs. He was surprised by the kind of music flowing out. After all, falling in and out of love with this “lucky one” changed him and reinvented him as a person, a musician and an artist. The whole process opened a new channel in him personally and creatively and in the end the “lucky one” is Hüseyin himself.

Having had the privilege to experience exaltation, praise, loss and grief, I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones. We are the lucky ones, and I would like to share this with you.
For more information about Hüseyin Badilli go to: http://anthonyhuseyin.wix.com/mysite

I have the concept and the entire team is ready to make this dream come true. When I found myself ready to share these changes, I realised it called for a new concept. So I started to experiment by myself with new sounds and new compositional techniques. This called for a radical new approach, so I decided to assemble a fresh group of people as my creative team.

I'm proud to announce the following names who already are on board and believe in me and this album as much as I do. They all are professionally established in the music and art scene in the Netherlands.

Creative Producer: Alexander Van Popta
Sound Engineer: Budy Mokoginta
Studio/mixing/mastering: Studio Moko Sound
Film makers: Fanny Hagmeier/ Paul Sixta
Photograph: Sandra Zegarra Patow
Design of the CD and the Vinyl: To be announced.
Printing the CD's and the Vinyls: To be announced.
Design and the print of the poster: To be announced.
CD presentation in Paradiso, Amsterdam.
Promotion: To be announced.
In return you will receive "The Lucky One" among many other personal gifts. Please check the rewards list!

June: Recording the songs.
July: Mixing and mastering the album. Design for the CD. August: Printing the CD's.
September-October: Working on the release, rehearsing with the band.
September-October: Making the first music video for the album.
November: Album release at Paradiso in Amsterdam. See you there!

- We make sense together -

Dit album gaat over Hüseyin Badilli, die ook wel Anthony of Pharaoh wordt genoemd. Van oorsprong is hij een jazzzanger en songwriter, maar recentelijk kan ook de titel performance artist aan de lijst van zijn vele talenten worden toegevoegd. Een man die verliefd durfde te worden.
“The lucky one”, uit de titel van zijn album, riep diepe gevoelens in hem op alhoewel het geluk in hun verhaal geen stand hield. Er restte Hüseyin niets dan zich emotioneel terug te trekken. De frisse, ontluikende gevoelens gaven zijn artisticiteit een nieuwe impuls die hij nu graag met je wil delen.

Ik heb vele verschillende aspecten van de liefde ervaren _en in mijn muziek vormgegeven. Elk liedje staat voor een andere kant van mijzelf, alle verschillende gezichten die ik in mijzelf aantrof, als verliefde man die uiteindelijk verlies leerde aanvaarden._

Door deze nieuwe creatieve impuls ontstond een verlangen naar een nieuw geluiden een andere manier van componeren, zoals blijkt uit Hüseyins laatste nummers. Hij was verbaasd over de soort muziek die plotseling uit hem stroomde. De liefde en het verlies van zijn “lucky one” hebben hem veranderd, waardoor hij zichzelf opnieuw uit wist te vinden als persoon, muzikant en artiest. Het hele proces opende een ander kanaal in hem, op persoonlijk maar ook op creatief gebied. En “the lucky one”? Dat bleek Hüseyin uiteindelijk zelf te zijn.

Het concept isklaar en het hele team staat te popelen om deze droom waar te gaan maken.

Op het moment waarop ik voelde klaar te zijn om mijn innerlijke verandering mee te delen besefte ik dat dit riep om een geheel nieuw concept. Ik begon te experimenteren met nieuwe geluiden en nieuwe componeertechnieken.
Ik kan daardoor niet anders dan voor een radicaal andere aanpak kiezen en besloot een frisse nieuwe groep mensen bijeen te brengen; mijn creatieve team.
Ik ben trots de volgende namen aan te kondigen, mensen die al aan boord van dit project zijn gestapt en even veel in mij en dit album geloven als ik zelf; gevestigde muzikale professionals die deel uitmaken van de Nederlandse muziek- en kunstwereld.

Creatief Producer: Alexander Van Popta
Geluidsingenieur: Budy Mokoginta
Studio/mixing/mastering: Studio Moko Sound
Crowd funding video en eerste clip: Fanny Hagmeier/Paul Sixta
Fotograaf: Sandra Zegarra Patow
Ontwerp van CD en LP - wordt later bekend gemaakt.
Printen van CD’s en LP’s - wordt later bekend gemaakt.
Ontwerp en druk van de poster - wordt later bekend gemaakt.
CD presentatie in Paradiso, Amsterdam
Promotie - wordt later bekend gemaakt.
In ruil daarvoor zul je " The Lucky One" krijgen onder vele andere personalgifts . Kijk dan op de lijst beloningen!

Juni: opnemen van de nummers.
Juli: album mixen en masteren. Ontwerp van de CD.
Augustus: drukken van de CD's.
September-oktober: aan de presentatie werken, repeteren met de band.
September-oktober: de eerste clip voor het album maken
November: albumpresentatie in Paradiso in Amsterdam.
We zien jullie daar!

- We make sense together -

Hüseyin Badıllı, caz vokalisti, besteci ve performans sanatçısı... Aynı zamanda Anthony ve Pharoah isimleriyle detanınan sanatçının Ekim ayında müzik severlerin karşısına çıkacak albümü, son dönemde yaşadığı aşk tecrübesini konualıyor. Hayatında koşulsuz bir şekilde aşık olma cesaretini gösteren Hüseyin'in albüm ismi '"The Lucky One" aşık olduğu kişiyi ve hikayelerini temsil ediyor. Ancak şansın bu aşk hikayesinde yaver gitmemesi ile birlikte Hüseyin kendini yep yeni duygular ve bu duyguların getirdiği yep yeni müzikal bir yaklaşımıniçinde buldu. ' The Lucky One" albümü ise Hüseyin'in bu yeniduyguları ve müzikal yaklaşımını sizlerle paylaşma aracı oldu.

" Geçirdiğim bu dönem içinde aşka dair bir çok farklı his ve aşkın farklı yönlerini deneyimledim ve bunları şarkılarıma yansıttım. Her bir şarkı aşka ve ayrılığa dair farklı deneyelimlerimi ve bu deneyimlerle gelen karakterleri yansıtıyor."

Hikayesini müziğine yansıtma ihtiyacı Hüseyin'in yep yeni müzikal bir sounda ve yeni besteleme yaklaşımlarına yöneltti. Bütün bu sürecin sonunda Hüseyin kendini hem insan, hem müzisyen hem de sanatçı olarak kendini yeniden keşfetmesini sağladı. "The Lucky One "albümü ile Hüseyin kendini gerçekte şanslı olan kişiye dönüştürüyor...

" Yüceltilme, yüceltme, takdir edilme, arzulanma, kayıp ve yas tutmak gibi hisleri yaşama fırsatı bulduğum için kendimi şanslı olan kişi olarak görüyor ve bu yüzden benim için çok özel olan bu anları ve albümü sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum."


1: Videonun üzerindeki yeşil bölgeye (doneer nu) tıklayın.
2: Yardımda bulunmak istediğiniz miktarı seçin ve sağ taraftaki yeşil bölgeye (verdeer met doneren) tıklayın
3: Email adresinizi yazın ve alttaki yeşil bölgeye (doorgaan) tıklayın
4: Ödeme metodunuzu seçin ve sağ taraftaki yeşil bölgeye tıklayın (doneer nu)
Yardım etmek isteyenler, yukarıdakileri yaptıktan sonra tekrar problemle karşılaşırsanız çekinmeden bana özelden yazabilirsiniz.


Yaşadığım tecrübe, duygular ve sebep oldukları değişiklikleri herkesle paylaşmaya hazır olduğumu anladığımda, oluşturduğum konsept için yeni komposizyon teknikleri ve müzikal stillerle denemeler yapmaya başladım.

Bütün bu süreç yeni ve radikal bir yaklaşıma ihtiyaç duyduğu için yaratıcı, dinamik ve Hollanda müzik ve sanat çevresinde profesyonel olarak yer edinmiş kişilerden oluşan bir ekip oluşturmaya karar verdim. Ve bu ekibin emeğinin karşılığını alabilmesi için sizlerin desteğine ihtiyacım var.
Bana ve albümüme şimdiden inanan ve destekleyen bu ekibi sunmaktan gurur duyuyorum.

Creative Producer: Alexander Van Popta
Sound Mühendisi: Budy Mokoginta
Stüdyo/mixing/mastering: Stüdyo Moko Sound
Film: Fanny Hagmeier/ Paul Sixta
Fotograf: Sandra Zegarra Patow
CD ve Plak kapak design
CD basim ve dagitim
Albüm lansman: Paradiso, Amsterdam.
Promotion: To be announced.

Desteklerinizin karşılığını elbette "The Lucky One"in bir kopyasını ve başka bir çok sizin için özel tasarlanmış hediyeyi alabileceksiniz. Lütfen ödüller listesine bakıp, sizin için uygun olanı seçin.
Yardımlarınız için tekrar çok teşekkür ederim

nieuwste donaties

Ozan Saritepe

Art and artist must be supported and this is the perfect platform to do it. Good luck with your project.

3-8-2016, 13:57
Zuri Ramirez

because hard workers artists should always have a place on stage.

2-8-2016, 14:07

Ik ben een fan van Huseyin

29-7-2016, 11:49
Geslaagd! – 2955 dagen geleden
€ 10.321 van € 10k
148 donateurs
Dit project is helemaal voordekunst. De financiering is geslaagd. Via de updates houdt de projectmaker je op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen rond dit project.


Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst

Het Cultuurfonds

je krijgt altijd je geld terug als het project niet slaagt veilig en snel betalen geen transactiekosten
IdealPaypalMastercardVisaBancontact Mr CashSofort
Star Tip van de maker

Thank you! You will receive a signed copy of “The Lucky One”.

62 donaties

Geen tegenprestatie

Ik wil dit project graag steunen en hoef hiervoor geen tegenprestatie te ontvangen.

26 donaties

Thank you! You'll receive a personal “Thank You” on a special card your name written on it.

20 donaties

Thank you very much! You will receive a signed copy of “The Lucky One" and a ticket to the album release party at Paradiso, Amsterdam.

28 donaties

Lunch packet: A lovely lunch involves humus made by me at het Park, Rotterdam + a signed copy of “The Lucky One” + a ticket to the album release party at Paradiso, Amsterdam.

1 donatie

14 beschikbaar

Walk at the beach: A sunny walk at Hoek van Holland with the stories of the songs from “The Lucky One”. A signed copy of “The Lucky One” and a ticket to album release party.

6 donaties

4 beschikbaar

Let's sing packet: Hour of singing lesson or performance coaching. A signed copy of “The Lucky One printed + a ticket to the release party at Paradiso, Amsterdam.

4 donaties

Performance coaching: An hour of coaching in what you are doing. You don't have to be a performer. E.g: Speaking in front of a public, preparing presentation, first meeting, etc.

0 donaties

A signed copy of “The Lucky One”, 2 tickets to the cd release party+an hour of singing lesson+dance or piano or guitar class given by my colleagues from the conservatory.

3 donaties

7 beschikbaar

Lecture by Fabiana Toni "Along the path towards change, how to find balance through food to prevent degenerative sickness", 2 copies of “The Lucky One” + 2 tickets to release party

0 donaties

3 beschikbaar

I'm at your place: 2 signed copies of “The Lucky One”, 2 tickets to release party at Paradiso/Amsterdam. Solo performance in your living room with me and my guitar.

1 donatie

We are at your place (duo performance): 2 copies of The Lucky One + 2 tickets to release party at Paradiso + Live Duo Performance in your living room.

0 donaties

We are at your place (trio performance). 2 copies of The Lucky One + 2 tickets to release party at Paradiso + live performance with my trio in your living room.

0 donaties

I'm going to write a song on the topic that you choose (e.g. about you, your lover, your family, birthdays, etc.) + record and give it you :-) + 2 copies of “The Lucky One".

0 donaties

3 beschikbaar

You are “The Lucky One”! I'm going to write a song for YOU + record the song and give it to you + 2 copies of “The Lucky One” + 2 tickets to the release party at Paradiso.

0 donaties

3 beschikbaar

We are going out for dinner: 2 signed copies of “The Lucky One”, 2 free tickets to the release party at Paradiso, Amsterdam + dinner for 2 at Sarnic Restaurant in Rotterdam.

2 donaties